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您正在寻找引人注目的 名片 免费剪贴画、插图和矢量图,可以合法地用于您的下一个个人和商业项目?有数百万 名片 库存插图可供使用,还有很多我们的创作者每天都会添加更多内容,IllustAC 将是您的正确选择。探索 illustAC 的 名片 类别,您一定可以在几分钟内找到您需要的正确剪贴画和插图。
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ACworks 胆,结构更加多元的背景图。


  • 在 由于创作者在投稿时一般都会为向量图中的内容添加注释(标签),因此这种搜寻方式可以经典的囊括大部分免费向量图,并将含有检索关键字 如果您不想使用默认的热度排序,可以尝试下一项搜寻功能。

    因此,通常情况下,我们默认选择按插图 但如果您希望获得最新的素材,我们也有为您准备相关的功能。只要勾选页面侧边的精致化搜寻栏中的【排序方式】

    这也是您偶尔会在 如果您反感此类搜寻结果,则可以利用同样位于精致化搜寻栏中的【排除关键字】,对那些不希望看到的内容进行排除。在上述的情况下,只要您排除 本功能支持同时排除复数个关键字 不过要记得用逗号将这些次隔开喔。


    在这种设定之下,在名片类别中试图按人数搜寻就显得非常无趣。但凡事也并无绝对。比如说,如果您希望找到表现 此时,您大概率会看到人与名片共存的插图 诸如此类,在某些特定情况下,按人数搜寻能帮助您快速缩小搜寻范围。


    • 此时,尽管类似向量图的种类会发生变化(即插图和剪影),但换个角度想,这些全新的素材类别也为您提供了更多的选择空间。
    • 该功能是通过 通过点击特定的插图 这些插图 构图相似而风格迥异的免版税插图 如果您暂时找不到完美的插图,不如点开最接近理想状态的一份向量图。说不定里面就包含着更精彩的推荐!

    3. 觉得编辑时找到的名片素材还得先下载再导入才能编辑很麻烦?在 对于每张插图 哪怕不进入各图的下载界面,您也可以通过点击光标悬浮于插图 跳转完成后,您无需执行任何额外操作,被选择的素材将会被自动加载于画布上,供您直接编辑。小到向量图反转 并且最重要的一点:这些都是免费的!

    4. 为了适应不同的使用目的,我们为您准备了 在下载前,您需要首先完成免费帐号的注册和登入。在实际使用时,您不需要引用出处,并且可用于商业专案。因此,您完全可以将心仪的高质量、免版税的插图

A business card is commonly known as a small card printed with any business' details, usually the size of a credit card, containing detailed information about your business, such as your brand name, contact information, and logo. Your business card design is an essential part of your brand and should act as a visual extension of your brand design.

Your business card can not be used to tell the whole story of your business. You should expect it to present a professional image that people will remember. The color, wording and texture of a business card have a lot to do with the appeal and ability to convey your business image. Use common sense when designing your map. If your business markets children's toys and games, you could try using bright primary colors and words written in children's handwriting. Likewise, suppose you run a financial advisory service. In that case, you want your business cards to convey professionalism and credibility, so stick to a traditional form like black print on a grey, beige or white background.

Popular types of business cards in printing

Business cards have always been a necessity in the professional world because, with your business card, you can be recognized by those that contain essential information. Business cards design and business card templates can bring you new opportunities.

But did you know that business cards themselves come in many varieties based on very different specifications? These specifications can be tailored to your needs. Business cards are divided into five types of business cards:

  • Classic business cards
  • Wild-format business cards
  • Social networkers' business cards
  • Gadget business cards
  • Typographic business cards

Each type has its advantages that are sure to suit your needs.

1. The classic business card

If you are not familiar with the business card design or business card templates, you can surely go with the classic business card design. This business card design has all the necessary information about your business, and you can even design and change the design according to your needs quickly.

2. The wild-format business card

As professional designers, some designers play around with several business card designs and business card templates to get the best results. Some designers like to go with the many business card designs, whereas others like to go with the tiny ones. Either of the business card designs is good to use as your need but while choosing one, make sure that it suits your business. Make sure to view your business card from the people's view and think about how they will look and store your business card.

3. The social networker's business card

Adding a phone number to a business card? How can it be helpful anyway? To get a call? Come on, the social network's business card shows about the communicating habits. Some people seem to be not adding the traditional ways of contacting, like a phone number or email address; let's keep fax aside here. The social network's business card instead includes the URLs of the Facebook page, Twitter account or share the IM information in the card.

4. The gadget business card

The gadget business card design is unique and challenging to create, but once you make it, it can be impressive to give it out because of its incredible and unique looks. You can try to be creative with gadget business card design and business card templates, and you will surely be noticed.

5. The typographic business card

Here comes the point. One might say that every business card is typography; what are you talking about/ Well, let us clarify that here we are talking about the business card design that is specifically made with the design of typography design. Making a typographic business card design and business card templates can be amusing, and it can look fantastic, for sure.

Different business card sizes in different countries

Any official body does not regulate standard business card sizes. Existing worldwide sizing standards exist for the sake of tradition and convenience. Owners of business cards and filing devices in different countries may also be more compatible with existing standards. Likewise, other card types such as credit and bank cards may affect the standard business card size in some countries. For example, bank cards (85.60 × 53.98 mm) and Western business cards (85 × 55 mm) can be easily used in the same carrying case when needed. A common standard in a neighbouring country can also lead to adopting specific standard business card sizes, such as Canada's case adopting standard US business card sizes. Taken together, these factors can reinforce the uniformity of business card sizes across countries.

Country/StandardDimensions (inches)Dimensions (millimetres)Aspect ratio
Canada, United States3.5” × 289mm × 51mm1.75
Japan3.582” × 2.165”91mm × 55mm1.655
Ireland, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey3.346” × 2.165”85mm × 55mm1.545
Australia, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway, Taiwan, Sweden, Vietnam, India, Colombia3.54” × 2.165”90mm × 55mm1.636
Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia3.543” × 2.125”90mm × 54mm1.667
Iran3.346” × 1.889”85mm × 48mm1.771
Sri Lanka, Argentina, India, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria, Latvia, Mexico, South Korea and South Africa3.543” × 1.968”90mm × 50mm1.8
ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1, (credit card size)3.370” × 2.125”85.60mm × 53.98mm1.586
ISO 216, A8 sized2.913” × 2.047”74mm × 52mm1.423
ISO 216, C8 sized3.189” × 2.244”81mm × 57mm1.421
ISO 216, B8 sized3.465” × 2.441”88mm × 62mm1.419

When it comes to business card design and business card templates, what to expect on illustAC

If you are looking for the best, high quality, royalty-free business card design and business card templates, then illustAC is your right destination. It provides you with thousands of free business card designs and templates and gives you an image search option. Not only that, but ilustAC also gives you a search filter option for those who don't get the shape, size and color. illustAC is trusted because more than seven million people are its registered users to date, which shows the authenticity and trust of millions of people.

What to expect from illustAC? Well, illustAC is one of the best royalty-free vectors, clipart, and illustrations provider sites that has made a collection of the best business card designs and business card templates that you can easily choose and use for free. There are several best business card design and business card templates included in illustAC like different business card design elements including backgrounds and frames, and also several postcard templates like greeting cards, birthday postcards, wedding cards, new year postcards, summer postcards, winter postcards, thank you postcards, and several others. You can surf around thousands of business card design and business card templates and choose one that fits your business.

How to create postcards in minutes

Sometimes you might want to get unique and beautiful business card designs, business card templates and postcards, and if you are a non-designer, it can be tough for you to make one. To make that, several websites provide best-premade templates that you can select, edit and use according to your needs. One of them is editorAC. editorAC is one of the best sites that handle all the complexity, giving you the simple pleasure of making customization choices step by step. Using the online postcard generator of editorAC, you can combine any image with text and unique graphic elements. Or choose a postcard template to turn it into a fancy final product.

How to make your postcards

Are you are a beginner and know nothing about postcards or business cards but want to create one with a beautiful look and design? We got you. You need to follow the steps mentioned below, and we are pretty sure that you will get the result you are looking for.

      1. Start with inspiration

At very first, find the best design that you will love to use. First of all, visit the website editorAC, and there you will see thousands of best free business card designs, business card templates and postcards that you can use. Choose among those and once you find the perfect one, click on it.

      2. Remix it to make it your own

Once you find the perfect business card templates and click on them, you will see the editor page to easily change the text, email, and other details on the selected templates. Whether you want to change the text, font, color, image, logo, background, you can easily do that with just a click. You can add your logo, frames, different elements and use the pen tool to create the business card design that you are precisely looking for.

      3. Resize to make your content go further

Completed all the processes and got the design that you were looking for? Now let's go one step further. For what purpose are you making your postcards or business card designs? After completing your design, you can resize the design according to the purpose of your use. Whether you are making your design for printing or posting on social media platforms, you can resize the design according to your needs and use it.

      4. Download, share, or print

Now your design is almost ready and ready to use. After completing the design, you can either download the design and keep it for any use, or share directly, or even print now from there without downloading; go according to your needs, and you will get the best result, for sure.

Mistakes to avoid when designing your business card

First of all, make sure you include all the essential information about your business. Some of the information that must be included are:

  • Business name
  • Job title/specialization
  • Business website
  • Personal name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Business address
  • Social media handles

Some things that should not be included while designing your business card are:

  • Outdated information
  • Typos and misprints
  • Tiny or unreadable print
  • No value proposition
  • Too much visual clutter
  • Harsh color schemes
  • Odd design proportions
  • Poor-quality paper